Pacific Ocean

The non-stop dim sound of the ocean gives great pleasure to the heart of the heart

Introduction to the Pacific Ocean

what is the largest ocean in the world?

What is the deepest ocean in the world?

What is a giant ocean?

How much parcent of Earth's surface holding the Pacific Ocean?

How much parcent of Earth's water holding the Pacific Ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and the greatest and deepest giant ocean in the world ocean, holding 31.98% of the Earth's Total Surface with an area of 161.76 million km2, also holding 46.09% of the earth's water.

what does mean by the word pacific?

where does the word pacific come from?

Why is pacific called pacific?

Who named Pacific Ocean?

Who was Ferdinand Magellan?

What does mean by Pacificus?

Literally, the word pacific comes from the spanish word "pacificus" Which means Peaceful.
First time A great Portuguese ocean explorer Ferdinand Magellan called it 'Mar Pacifico' or 'Peaceful Sea' because, Magellan's voyage through the tumultuous waters of Cape Horn led him to the calm and peaceful waters of the ocean, which he aptly named "Pacific.

Where the Pacific Ocean Is located?

In which continent is the Pacific Ocean?

In which country is the Pacific Ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is located at Antartic from south and Arctic from north, it differ between Asia, Australia from the west, And north and south America from east.

Formation history

When Pacific ocean born?

When Pacific created?

Which is oldest of 5 world Ocean?

By broking which supercontinet pacific ocean born?

In which pireod Pacific Ocean Born?

What was Rodinia?

When Rodinia Formed?

What was the name of Pacific Ocean before broking the Supercontinent Pangea?

The Pacific Ocean is the oldest of 5 giant world oceans. It was born almost 750 million years ago while the Supercontinent Rodinia was rifting and was called Panthalassa until the Supercontinent Pangea Broke up.

It's interesting to note how the movement of tectonic plates is responsible for the formation of oceans. When several tectonic plates converge, they form a giant continent known as a supercontinent. One such supercontinent, Rodinia, formed around 1.2 billion years ago. During the rifting of Rodinia, an ocean began to form, which was named Panthalassa. Eventually, the supercontinent Pangea formed and later broke up, resulting in the formation of our current Pacific Ocean.

The Climate And Temperature

What is the climate of the Pacific Ocean?

Is the Pacific Ocean cold or warm?

What is the most warmest ocean in the world?

What is the climates of pacific ocean's island?

Is Pacific Ocean warm?

What pattern Observed into Indian Ocean?

According to NOOA, the climate in the islands of the Pacific Ocean is warm. The Pacific Ocean is the hottest and warmest climate Ocean as compared to other oceans like the Indian Ocean, the Arctic, and the Antarctic.

But the deep of the Pacific Ocean is cold which is probably 3.5 °C or above. And some places like 'Ranfurly in New Zealand', 'Calgary, and central Ontario in Canada' (which are around the Pacific Ocean) are too much colder like breaking records .
Actually, The Pacific Ocean is very very large. For this, some places are cold and some places are warm. The climate of the Pacific Ocean changes based on the distance of the place from the tropics or like greenhouse effects, etc.

Is there any unknown behavior of Pacific Ocean?

A pattern is observed in the Indian Ocean that obstructs snowfall in its surroundings. However, no such behavior is seen in the Pacific Ocean.
The chart of temperature from 2000 to 2020 of the Pacific OceanThe chart of temperature from 2000 to 2020 of the Pacific Ocean

Oceanic Properties -Pacific Ocean

What are 2 important Oceanic Properties?

The main and most important 2 Oceanic Properties are Gases, Chemicals

Gases of the Pacific Ocean

What are the 5 gases founded in the southern Pacific Ocean?

Which type of gases founded in Pacific Ocean?

What is the main gases of the Oceans?

What is the main gases of the Pacific Oceans?

What gases are important in underwater?

Why gases are needed?

Typically, gas in water means dissolved gases in sea water. The main gases of water are Hydrozen H2,and Oxyzen O2 And Carbon dioxide CO2. These Gases are very essential for living creatures of underwater to alive. These gases plays the vital role in biological processes like respiration, photosynthesis, and the carbon cycle. According to new research, in the southern Pacific Ocean there are some Hydrocarbon gases founded. They are:
CH4 (Methane),
C2H6 (Ethane),
C2H4 (Ethene),
C3H8 (Propane),
C3H6 (Propene)

Chemicals of the Pacific Ocean

What are the 5 chemicals founded in the Ocean?

What are the Common chemicals founded in the Ocean?

what is the salinity rate of the Pacific Ocean?

why salt is created in ocean?

In the Pacific Ocean, there is founded some chemicals normally founded in other oceans like Atlantic, indian, Antarctic, Arctic. They are: - Chloride: Cl-
Sodium: Na+
Sulfate: SO42-
Magnesium: Mg2+
Calcium: Ca2+
Potassium: K+. And for more Chloride and Sodium The Pacific ocean create 32-37 grams NaCl (Eating salt) per one thousand grams.

Pacific Ocean's Current

What is the meaning of ocean currents?

How many types of Current in Pacific Ocean?

What is the most dengerous Pacific Current?

Did you know that the mesmerizing movement of ocean waters is due to the continuous, predictable, and directional flow of ocean currents? These currents are primarily driven by gravity, wind (thanks to the Coriolis Effect), and water density, creating a beautiful and dynamic force of nature that shapes our planet in countless ways.

Based on direction Pacific currents are divided into many 2 divisions: North and South. They are also divided into many:
1. North Pacific Current,
2. California Current,
3. North Equatorial Current,
4. Kuroshio Current,
5. Peru Current,
6. East Australian Current, etc. are famous.
From these current The Kuroshio Current of North Pacific is the most strong and dengerous current in the pacific ocean, also known as Japan Current and even Black Current. Which is flows at the speed of 2.5 meter per second.


Is ice forms in the Pacific Ocean?

In which sea of the Pacific Ocean ice accumulates?

What are the three seas of Pacicific Ocean ice accumulates?

What happened to Japan sea's ice?

Why Pacific ocean is create ice?

The term 'Pacific-Ice' refers to a body of water, such as a sea, bay, or gulf, located in the Pacific Ocean where ice builds up.

The term 'Pacific ice' was true 50-60 years ago, also it is true yet, But this concept or term is on the way to becoming a golden story for the Pacific Ocean because of the greenhouse effects, usage of huge dangerous chemicals, burning its ecosystem, overfishing, etc.
There are some seas in the Pacific Ocean where ice accumulates, but these seas do not belong to the Pacific Ocean itself. These seas are the Bering Sea, the Sea of Aukhotosk, the Ross Sea, and the Japan Sea.
The Sea of Aukhotosk (it is getting ice because it is connected to the Arctic ocean). The Bering Sea (it is near the Sea of Aukhotosk it is also getting ice for the Arctic Ocean). The Ross Sea (it is almost connected with the Antarctic region). Japan Sea (It was forming ice before 1979. Suddenly it stops it's forming of ice in). For more Information visit Sea ice And Iceberg

Ross sea iceberg

Pacific Ocean Large Seas and Gulfs From Wikipedia

The Pacific Ocean is huge, and it has been calculated as a load of seas based on areas, countries, climates, behaviours etc. We have described largest 22 from them:
Sea Area (million km2) Location
Philippine Sea 5.695 Asia
Coral Sea 4.791 Australia
Chilean Sea 3.6 South America
South China Sea 3.5 Asia
Tasman Sea 2.3 Australia
Bering Sea 2 North America / Asia
Sea of Okhotsk 1.583 Asia
Gulf of Alaska 1.533 North America
East China Sea 1.249 Asia
Mar de Grau 1.14 South America
Sea of Japan 0.978 Asia
Solomon Sea 0.72 Australia
Banda Sea 0.695 Australia / Asia
Arafura Sea 0.65 Australia / Asia
Timor Sea 0.61 Australia / Asia
Yellow Sea 0.38 Asia
Java Sea 0.32 Asia
Gulf of Thailand 0.32 Asia
Gulf of Carpentaria 0.3 Australia
Celebes Sea 0.28 Asia / Australia
Sulu Sea 0.26 Asia
Bismarck Sea 0.2504 Australia / Asia
Gulf of Anadyr 0.2 North America
Molucca Sea 0.2 Asia / Australia
Gulf of California 0.16 North America
Gulf of Tonkin 0.12625 Asia
Halmahera Sea 0.095 Asia / Australia
Bohai Sea 0.078 Asia
Gulf of Papua 0.0704 Australia
Koro Sea 0.058 Australia / Asia
Bali Sea 0.045 Asia
Savu Sea 0.035 Asia / Australia
Seto Inland Sea 0.023203 Asia
Salish Sea 0.018 North America
Seram Sea 0.012 Asia / Australia

Islands of the Pacific Ocean

Name Country Area
Easter Island Chile 163.6 km²
Tahiti French Polynesia 1,045 km²
Bora Bora French Polynesia 29.3 km²
Howland Island United States 2.6 km²
Sakhalin Russia 72,493 km²
Hawai'i Island United States 10,432 km²
Kiritimati (Christmas Island) Kiribati 388.37 km²
Guadalcanal Solomon Islands 5,336 km²
Ocean Island (Banaba) Kiribati 6 km²
Iwo Jima (Iōtō) Japan 20.3 km²
Saipan Northern Mariana Islands 115.38 km²
Kaua'i United States 1,456.4 km²
New Britain Papua New Guinea 36,520 km²
Nikumaroro Island (Gardner Island) Kiribati 4.3 km²
Vancouver Island Canada 31,285 km²
Baker Island United States 1.4 km²
Ball's Pyramid Australia 0.28 km²
Maui United States 1,883.5 km²
Johnston Atoll United States 2.67 km²
Awaji Island Japan 592.17 km²
Mo'orea French Polynesia 132 km²
North Island New Zealand 113,729 km²
South Island New Zealand 150,437 km²
Rarotonga Cook Islands 67.39 km²
Lifou Island New Caledonia 1,207 km²
Tiniwan Marshall Islands 3.3 km²
Tarawa Kiribati 500 km²
Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia 346 km²
Clipperton Island France 6 km²
Aitutaki Cook Islands 18.05 km²
Okinawa Island Japan 1,206.98 km²
Viti Levu Fiji 10,388 km²
Morurua French Polynesia 2 km²
Henderson Island Pitcairn Islands 37.3 km²
Miyako-jima Japan 158.7 km²
Rotuma Fiji 43 km²
Rangiroa French Polynesia 79 km²
Minami-tori-shima (Marcus Island) Japan 1.2 km²
Yakushima Island Japan 504.88 km²
Lord Howe Island Australia 14.55 km²
Shodo Island Japan 153.3 km²
Hachijō-jima Japan 62.52 km²
Waiheke Island New Zealand 92 km²
Tanegashima Japan 444.99 km²
Hashima Island Japan 16.5 km²
Sarushima Japan 0.07 km²
Aogashima Japan 3.5 km²
Tokunoshima Japan 247.77 km²
New Guinea Papua New Guinea, Indonesia 786,000 km²
Borneo Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia 748,168 km²
Honshu Japan 227,960 km²
Sulawesi Indonesia 174,600 km²
Luzon Philippines 109,965 km²
Mindanao Philippines 97,530 km²
Tasmania Australia 68,401 km²
Hokkaido Japan 83,453 km²
Taiwan Island (Formosa) Taiwan 36,193 km²
Kyushu Japan 36,923 km²
Hainan Island China 33,920 km²
Shikoku Japan 18,800 km²
Grande Terre New Caledonia 16,372 km²
Palawan Philippines 12,189.4 km²
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 28,400 km²
Ushishir Russia 4.2 km²
Broutona Vanuatu 1.5 km²
Aunu'u American Samoa 1.74 km²
Bellona Solomon Islands 10 km²
Ekarma Russia 30 km²
Makanrushi Russia 3.3 km²
Kharimkotan Russia 68.25 km²
'Ua Pou French Polynesia 106 km²
Kahoolawe United States 115.5 km²
Macquarie Island Australia 128 km²
Isle of Pines New Caledonia (France) 1,194 km²
Raiatea French Polynesia 167.7 km²
Hiva Oa French Polynesia 316 km²
Babeldaob Palau 331 km²
Nuku Hiva French Polynesia 339 km²
Lanai United States 363.4 km²
Onekotan Russia 425 km²
Mare Island New Caledonia (France) 647 km²
Rennell Island Solomon Islands 660 km²
Ambrym Vanuatu 678 km²
Erromango Vanuatu 891 km²
Okinawa Island Japan 1,206 km²
Urup Russia 1,434 km²
Stewart Island New Zealand 1,746 km²
Guadalcanal Solomon Islands 5,336 km²
New Ireland (island) Papua New Guinea 36,520 km²
Kiribati Kiribati 811 km²

Famous Sea Ports of the Pacific Oceans

Sea Port Country
Port of Los Angeles USA
Port of Long Beach USA
Port of Vancouver Canada
Port of Shanghai China
Port of Busan South Korea
Port of Yokohama Japan
Port of Singapore Singapore
Port of Sydney Australia
Port of Auckland New Zealand
Port of San Francisco USA
Port of Tokyo Japan
Port of Manila Philippines
Port of Honolulu USA
Port of San Diego USA
Port of San Jose Guatemala
Port of Ensenada Mexico
Port of Callao Peru
Port of Valparaiso Chile
Port of Guayaquil Ecuador
Port of Balboa Panama
Port of Panama City Panama
Port of Buenaventura Colombia

Giant Mystereys About The Pacific Ocean

Top Mystereys of the Pacific Oceans

Number Name
1 Mariana Trench
2 The Great Blue Hole
3 Dragon's Triangle
4 Youngany
5 The Legend Kingdom of Mu
6 The Lost City of Nan Madol
7 The Mauna Loa Volcano
8 The Humboldt Current
9 Underwater Crop Circles
10 Pacific Ring of Fire
12 The Palmyra Atoll
13 The Lost Continent of Zealandia
14 Easter Island Statues
15 The Palau Jellyfish Lake
16 The Cascadia Subduction Zone
17 The Pacific Deep-Sea Vents

Mariana Trench

Deepest point on Earth's surface.
Nestled deep within the Pacific Ocean lies the Mariana Trench, the deepest point on Earth's surface. Descending to a depth of over 36,000 feet, this enigmatic abyss is a place of mystery and wonder. The pressure at this depth is crushing, equivalent to the weight of over 8,000 cars, yet life still manages to thrive in this extreme environment. The trench is home to a variety of unique and bizarre creatures, including the fangtooth fish and the translucent sea cucumber. Despite its inhospitable nature, the Mariana Trench holds a captivating allure for explorers and scientists alike, beckoning them to uncover its secrets and unlock the mysteries of the deep. for details visit Mariana Trench

The Great Blue Hole

Massive underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize.
The Great Blue Hole of the Pacific Ocean is a natural wonder off the coast of Belize, captivating divers and scientists alike. The massive underwater sinkhole stretches over 300 meters in diameter and plunges over 120 meters deep. Its crystal-clear waters reveal an otherworldly landscape of stalactites, stalagmites, and diverse marine life. This breathtaking site, deemed one of the world's best diving destinations, offers a rare and awe-inspiring glimpse into the wonders of the ocean's depths. Its serene and mysterious beauty is truly a sight to behold. for details visit Mariana Trench

Dragon's Triangle

An Asian Bermuda Triangle revealed unexpected behaviors. The Dragon's Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle or the Asian Bermuda Triangle, is a region in the Pacific Ocean that is infamous for unexplained disappearances of ships and airplanes. The area is shrouded in mystery and has been the subject of many legends and theories. According to some accounts, the region is home to supernatural forces and ancient sea monsters. Despite its reputation, the Dragon's Triangle remains an intriguing and enigmatic part of the world's oceans. For more details visit


Legendary lost continent supposedly located in the Pacific Ocean.
The legend of the lost continent of Youngany has captivated imaginations for generations. Said to be located in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, it remains shrouded in mystery and wonder. Some say it was a utopian paradise, while others believe it was a place of dark magic and danger. Despite its uncertain existence, the allure of this fabled land continues to inspire adventurers and storytellers alike. The mere mention of Youngany evokes a sense of awe and curiosity about the unknown depths of our world. For details visit Youngany The Legendary Lost Continent.

The Legend Kingdom of Mu

Mythical civilization said to have existed in the Pacific.
Legend has it that the Kingdom of Mu was a utopia of unparalleled beauty and majesty, adorned with lush gardens and shimmering golden palaces. The people of Mu were believed to possess mystical powers and their society thrived in harmony for centuries. However, fate dealt a cruel blow and the kingdom was said to have been engulfed by the ocean's wrath, sinking to the depths of the Pacific. Even today, many speculate about the existence of this fabled realm, and its legacy continues to inspire wonder and awe in those who seek to unravel its mysteries. For details visit The Legend Kingdom of Mu.

The Lost City of Nan Madol

Ancient ruins located on the island of Pohnpei, Micronesia.
Nan Madol, an enigmatic ancient city, is nestled on the eastern coast of Pohnpei island. This architectural marvel is built on a series of small artificial islands, linked by a complex network of canals. The ruins of Nan Madol are a testament to the ingenuity of the Saudeleur dynasty that ruled the island over 1,000 years ago. The structures, fashioned from basalt boulders, are a true feat of engineering and are believed to have been transported from a quarry miles away. The city's mysterious origins and its intricate stonework continue to captivate archaeologists and tourists alike, making it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in ancient history. For details visit The Lost City of Nan Madol

The Mauna Loa Volcano

One of the world's most active volcanoes, located in Hawaii.
Mauna Loa is a volcano in Hawaii that is very active. It has erupted many times in the past. The volcano is very big and is one of the largest in the world. It is over 13,000 feet tall and covers more than 2,000 square miles. People visit Mauna Loa to see its beautiful landscapes and to learn about its geological history. The Muna Lao Volcano

The Humboldt Current

Mysterious oceanic current influencing weather patterns along the west coast of South America.
The Humboldt Current is a fascinating oceanic current that flows along the western coast of South America. It's known for its unique and mysterious nature, as it influences the weather patterns in the region. The current is named after Alexander von Humboldt, a famous German explorer and naturalist. The Humboldt Current is a critical component of the marine ecosystem in the region, supporting a diverse array of marine life. It's also an essential factor in the local fishing industry, providing nutrients and supporting a thriving seafood trade. For more details visit The Humboldt Current

Underwater Crop Circles

Intricate patterns found on the ocean floor, created by pufferfish.
Did you know that pufferfish create intricate and beautiful patterns on the ocean floor? These patterns, often referred to as underwater crop circles, are created by male pufferfish to attract a mate. The male fish spends up to a week creating these patterns by using its fins to dig grooves in the sand. The female pufferfish is then attracted to the pattern and lays her eggs in the center. These underwater crop circles can measure up to six feet in diameter and are truly a wonder of nature. For more details visit Under water Crop Circles

Pacific Ring of Fire

Area of intense seismic and volcanic activity encircling the Pacific Ocean.
The Pacific Ring of Fire is a big circle around the Pacific Ocean. There are lots of earthquakes and volcanoes in this area. It's called the Ring of Fire because it's shaped like a ring and has a lot of fiery activity. Many of the world's biggest and most active volcanoes are located in this region. People who live in this area must be prepared for natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Pacific Ring Of Fire

The Palmyra Atoll

Remote coral atoll with mysterious abandoned structures.
The Palmyra Atoll is a small, remote coral atoll located in the Pacific Ocean. It is known for its pristine natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life. However, the atoll also has some mysterious abandoned structures that have captured the imagination of visitors and researchers alike. Some believe that these structures were built by ancient civilizations, while others think they might be remnants of World War II. Despite its remote location, the Palmyra Atoll is a fascinating and intriguing place to visit for those interested in history and nature. For details visit The Palmyra Atoll

The Lost Continent of Zealandia

Submerged continent beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Zealandia is a submerged continent that lies beneath the Pacific Ocean. It is often referred to as the eighth continent due to its size and distinct geology. The continent is believed to have broken off from Australia around 80 million years ago. Zealandia is the world's youngest and most submerged continent, with 94% of its landmass underwater. It is home to several unique species of plants and animals that are found nowhere else on Earth. For more details visit The lost continent of Zealandia

Easter Island Statues

Giant stone statues with unknown origins found on Easter Island.
Easter Island's moai statues are giant, mysterious stone carvings that were created by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries. The moai are monolithic and some are found standing upright on platforms, while others are found lying down. The statues have intricate carvings on their backs, called petroglyphs, which depict symbols of the Rapa Nui people's beliefs and culture. The moai's eyes were originally made of white coral and red scoria stones. Despite many theories, the true origin and purpose of the moai statues remain a mystery, adding to their intrigue and fascination. For more details visit Easter Island Statues

The Palau Jellyfish Lake

Lake filled with millions of harmless jellyfish.
The Palau Jellyfish Lake is a special place in the Pacific ocean. It is filled with millions of jellyfish that don't hurt people. These jellyfish are so special because they have evolved over time to lose their stingers. That means you can swim with them and they won't sting you! People from all over the world come to visit this special lake and see the jellyfish up close. It's a really cool place to learn about nature and the amazing creatures that live in the ocean! For more details visit The Palau Jellyfish Lake

The Cascadia Subduction Zone

Tectonic boundary capable of generating massive earthquakes and tsunamis.
The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a tectonic boundary that stretches from northern California to southern British Columbia. This area is capable of generating massive earthquakes and tsunamis, and scientists predict that a major earthquake could occur in this region in the future. It is important for people living in the Pacific Northwest to be prepared for such an event by having an emergency kit and an evacuation plan. The possibility of a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami is a reminder of the importance of being aware of natural disasters and taking steps to stay safe. It is crucial to stay informed and take action to protect ourselves and our loved ones in the face of potential hazards. For more details The Cascadia Subduction Zone

The Pacific Deep-Sea Vents

Hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor supporting unique ecosystems.
The Pacific Deep-Sea Vents are truly a wonder of nature. These hydrothermal vents, located on the ocean floor, support a unique and diverse ecosystem that is unlike anything else on Earth. These vents spew out mineral-rich water that provides a vital source of sustenance for a variety of fascinating organisms, including tube worms, crabs, and giant clams. The vibrant colors and bizarre shapes of these creatures are truly a sight to behold and a testament to the incredible adaptability of life. Exploring the Pacific Deep-Sea Vents is like stepping into an alien world, and it's no wonder that scientists and adventurers alike are drawn to this fascinating and mysterious corner of the ocean. For more details visit The Pacific Deep-Sea Vents

General overview of the Pacific Ocean:

1 Name Pacific Ocean
2 Area 161.76 million km 2
3 Water Volume 710 million km 3
4 Famous Largest and the biggest
5 Avg. Depth 4,280 m
6 Max-depth 10,994 m (Mariana Trench)
7 Surface temperature 81 °F (27 °C)
8 Min temperature −1.4 °C (29.5 °F)
9 Max temperature 30 °C (86 °F)
10 Common Gas H 2 , N 2 , O 2 , CO2,
10 Hydrocarbon Gases CH4, C2H6, C2H4, C3H8, C3H6,
11 Salinity 37-32 gram/1000 gram
12 Seas 22 seas
12 mystereys Dragon's Triangle, Mariana Trench, The great blue hole. Youngany, The kingdom of Mu more
14 Border Continets Asia, Australia, South and north America, Antartica, North pole
15 Born Before 750 mya When Rodinia were rifting