How Animals Are Becoming Extinct

How Animals are becoming extinct?

Why animals are disappeared?

How many methods to extinct any species?

According to World Data, About 713 species of animals are believed to have become extinct since the 15th century. Oh shit!!!!

Human beings are gradually progressing towards improvement and modernity, even if they can achieve it. But perhaps the touch of progress has made the soft soil of their hearts as hard and rigid as hard rock. Billions of animals are being killed by them even they don't care. Because, The immortal light of the human spirit has bounded in the chain of progress.

There are mainly two Reason for disappeared any species from the earth:
One: When an animal species is overkilled for human interest or for any natural reason, that species gradually disappears from the earth within 100-200 years. Like Dodo.

Two: when it becomes difficult for an animal to survive in this advanced world environment, that animal may become extinct within 200-300 years or evolve into another species within 1000-3000 years. Like Syrian elephant or some species of dinosaurs.

What are the reasons behind the extinction of an animal?

Over-fishing, over-hunting, consuming the meat of almost extinct animals due to money, building big buildings in the spirit of progress, building factories in the hope of extra money, killing those who shelter them i.e. cutting down trees, and destroying the ecosystem in the hope of reaching the highest peak of development. Compounding the greenhouse effect is the main cause of the extinction of these mindless, helpless, tortured creatures.

How can we stop extinction of Animals?

By stopping overfishing and killing animals, keeping the oceans clean, not building huge harmful factories based on the hope and hope of money, and showing tolerance to these innocent tortured animals, maybe we will be able to avoid the cruel word of extinction.

Extincted Animals