How the world Ocean have divided and it's reason

Divisions Of Ocean

How many oceans there in the earth?

What is the misconception in 4/5/7/8 oceans are there?

Who recognized Antartic/Southern Ocean?

Why some count 7/8 oceans?

When Antartic/Southern Ocean have recognized?

After recognizing the Antarctic Ocean the National Geographic Society in June 2021, there are 5 main giant and large oceans in the Earth. They are Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic/Southern, And Indian. Some counted it 7 by dividing the Pacific, and Atlantic into south and north. Some calculated this number as 8 with adding indian ocean

How Oceans have divided?

Why Oceans have divided?

Why there are multiple oceans?

What is a supercontinent?

What is a craton?

What was the last super continent?

To understand this we first need to know about supercontinents. A supercontinent is a large continent that unites all of Earth's continental block or craton (a giant area held above a tectonic plate) or multiple cratons.These tectonic plates move very slowly. But, this movement can create a large difference in millions of years. Moving these tectonic plates creates or breaks supercontinent or continents and oceans divided.

The last supercontinent was Pangea (299-195 mya). When there was only one Ocean called 'Panthalassa'. The cratons of Pangea were fixed in one place for millions of years. due to this difference in energy and pressure of every craton, the water under it took another different behavior, weather color, etc. Later, due to the movement of tectonic plates, these cratons moved and took the shape of the present earth, and then different types of oceans were formed next to different continents based on gas, color, temperature, chemicals, and climates.

Pangea's Map

What are the 5 Ocean in earth?

What are the 5 Ocean on earth?

What are main Oceans Of us?

# Ocean Names Areas Continent
1 Pacific Ocean 165.2 million km Asia, Australia, West and North America and South-east America
2 Atlantic Ocean 106.5 million km² North And South America, Europe and Africa and Arctic And antartic
3 Indian Ocean 70.56 million km² South and Southeast Asia, Western Asia, North east, east, southern Africa, Australia
4 Antarctic 20.33 million km² South Pole
5 Arctic Ocean 14.06 million km² Europe, Asia and North America

On what basis are the oceans different?

The Oceans are different based on their colors, behavior, gases, formation, ages, chemicals, climates, salinity, alkalinity, tides, etc.