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After recognizing the Antarctic Ocean the USA, there are 5 main oceans. And 57 seas and 241 gulfs or bays are recognized as per the countries. We will discover Some of them with area, nature and etc.

Last updated 11 month ago

Ecosystems Of Oceans

According to new research in our community, there are almost 67 marine ecosystems. But the main are probably like 8-12. The most famous and Beautiful is 'Coral reefs'. We will discuss Some interesting information about Ecosystems.

Last updated 11 month ago

Animals Of Oceans

We discovered more than 231000 types of animals in the oceans. But an infinite number of animals are still undiscovered. We will describe the rarest and unknown and most mysterious 55 animals.

Last updated 11 month ago

Ocean Explorers

There are known/unknowns a lot of ocean explorers have passed the world. We have brought 55 most famous ocean explorers and their lives, explorations, legendary inventions, etc.

Last updated 11 month ago

Pirates Of Oceans

Pirates are the Drakula of the Oceans. The interesting facts about pirates is most of them were an explorer also. From them i have described 50 dengerous pirates

Last updated 11 month ago

Mystereys Of Oceans

The most mysterious things in the current earth is ocean. From them we will discuss 50 legendary unknown Mystereys

Last updated 11 month ago

The Kingdoms Of Oceans

This is the most interesting part of our research paper. We have described 20 hidden/sunken kingdoms from real life or mythology. To explore visit

Last updated 11 month ago

The Lost/Missed Ships Of The Oceans

According to Wikipedia, There are more than 3 million losted/missed ships in the ocean at all time. Most of them are unknown mystery of the history. We will try to unravel these mystereys

Last updated 11 month ago