Definition, Creation, Formation and Creator of Oceans

Definition Of Ocean

Why ocean called ocean?

What does means by the word Ocean?

where from the word ocean come ?

Literally, The word ocean comes from the Greek word okeanos (great stream encircling the earth's disc) And then converted into Latin --> Old French --> English.

What is the definition of Ocean?

What does means by the term Ocean?

What is an ocean?

What is the main element of the creation history of living creatures on earth?

Ocean is a main element of the creation history of living creatures on earth which keeps a large area covered by salted water between continets.

Who named the ocean as ocean?

How ocean named?

Why ocean known as ocean?

In Greek Mythology, There was a concept of A single massive body of water surrounding the earth, The Greek called Okeanos. And then this word turned into English word 'Ocean'.

Creation Of Ocean

How Oceans have created?

How oceans have formed?

What was the formation process of Ocean?

What was the creation process of Ocean?

When the Ocean have created first in earth?

What is a Magma Ocean?

What happend in the process of Magma?

What create all of the volcanic rocks?

Is Ocean really created from the Volcanic Rocks?

The creation of oceans was a long process. There was a Magma Ocean at first (probably). Magma is the molten natural element of a planet That creates all of the volcanic rocks. This process probably happened 4.54 billion years ago. As the Earth gradually cooled, these volcanic lavas evaporated and gathered in the sky to form clouds. Then it rains, but the earth is not cooled enough to evaporate again, forming clouds. In this process, when the Earth reaches stable cold temperatures, these waters become permanent. Oceans finally started forming 3.8 billion years ago.

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Who is the creator of Ocean?

Is there any creator of Oceans?

Does every creation have a creator?

Is Ocean created automatically?

No, I don't think so. As you know, every creation have a creator (directly or indirectly). Scientifically, we got as it as a nature's behavior. But, is it same to what actually happened?
I don't know everything. But, I think there is a power beyond science and human exploration. It exist but we can not actually observe it. It might be be different then what we can feel/ see/ explore. Example:

  1. Our eyes which can see
  2. Hollywod movies
  3. Yes, we missed something else, which is exist but we can not see.
  4. Hollywood movie's shooting
Compare to real life
  1. Our eyes ----> Our exploration power
  2. hollywood movies ----> Science
  3. hollywood movie's shooting ----> Something else (legendary)